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There you are, walking down the store aisle, and you see it. “It” can be anything from a candy bar to a magazine to some tool you’ve wanted for months. It doesn’t cost much, so you go ahead and buy it. It’s called impulse buying, and it’s one of the biggest hindrances to your financial wellbeing. While each item may not cost much, impulse buying is one of ......
As thousands of young people are set to go abroad with friends over this summer, a lack of budgeting skills could see their parents develop debt problems, it has been suggested. According to a study of teenagers carried out by Lloyds TSB Travel Money Card, a quarter of respondents intend to phone home when they have run out of cash while abroad. Meanwhile, some 32 per cent plan to financiall......
One area where you will really need to be cost savvy is when it comes to fuel. Fortunately fuel prices are on the decline, but they are still up there and it can really add up. There area a few precautions you can take to save whenever possible. Make sure your hull is clean. A clean hull will help you save on fuel costs because it will affect your boats performance. If the hull is clea......
One of the best ways to get ahead financially is to know how to shop smart, without diminishing your lifestyle. Reduce your costs at the grocery store simply and easily each week with these tips: Clip Those Coupons. Sift through your Sunday newspaper, magazines and circulars, or download and print coupons from Internet coupon banks. Make sure that the coupons you clip or print are for item......
Myth: You can save time. There is no way you can bank unused hours. Each hour gets spent. Time is the most democratic of resources. Everyone is given the same amount every day. Since every minute is nonrenewable, all that matters is how you are using your time this minute. You might recognize these two colleagues who started work in the same department at the same time. Meet John: He is the ......
Tip #14 in our series of 70 ways to save money when buying a house is use a weasel clause to protect yourself. Even if your lender does not require a pest (termite) inspection and the seller says he has never had a problem with insects you should get one done for yourself anyway. If the house has a pest problem, and you do not discover it, it could cost you thousands in repairs and months of......
$5.50 can probably buy you a hamburger and french fries or a large gourmet coffee drink. Maybe $5.50 can even cover one movie rental. What if I told you that $5.50 could buy you a new car, a down payment on a home or a college education? What if you could turn $5.50 a day into $32,000 in ten years (assuming a 10% interest rate)? If you saved $5.50 every day, in one year you would have ove......
The current economic down tendency face by the world economies was due to different reasons. One of the most important reasons of this financial collapse was energy crises. When energy emergency and lack of energy was renowned by the different countries; they started taking events to solve this matter. One method out of these subjects was mandatory protection; instead of as long as advantage......
$$$$, everybody loves it, and spends it. Britain, the USA and many other countries are in the grip of one of the worst recessions for many years. Some predict that things will become even worse before the economies of each country pick up and start to grow again. What can we all do to lessen the financial impact of these times on our families and ourselves? If you have noticed that your mont......
There are hundreds of money saving tips I could offer, and many of them might be useful in your particular situation. But there is a strategy for spending less which will make you far more secure than any number of tips on how to buy things for less can. That is what this article is about. Suppose Tim and his family spend money every week to eat out, and they go to the movies regularly as we......