Category Archives: Career & Education

An associate degree is an academic degree that students can obtain at junior colleges, business colleges, community colleges and universities. The course of study for this degree is typically two years. But all associate degrees are not equal. Choosing a career college that provides the career education needed together with assistance in finding a job would be ideal. The Associate of Applied......
It is the age old question about going to college or not. Will an associate degree or business administration degree help a student find a job? Working backwards from the successful job interview, what does a student have to do to become not just employable but in demand? The typical cycle from high school-to college-to employment goes something like this: 1. Pick and attend a college where ......
While the economic recovery program is being talked about by every media outlet in the country, the fact remains that to get a job one needs to be prepared for it. Getting a career education is an excellent investment for both the student and the nation. To be competitive in the 21st century companies will likely need to reinvent themselves on a regular basis. The employees with a broad car......
One of today’s hottest topics is career management. There is good reason for this. The rise of the internet and the rapid, worldwide adoption of its technology have profoundly changed the world of business and commerce during the last few years. Without a specific, concise plan, professionals would be totally unable to stay abreast of the latest developments and trends. To meet the dem......
Competent interviewers in the marketplace help you discover the best direction to secure your employer of choice. Your goal is to learn everything you can from the interviewer as well as from your research on the Internet. Don’t be bashful, ask whatever you want to know. Sure, timing is important but you should have all the details about every career position before you leave the inter......
If your career choice is to find a new employer, you won’t go wrong asking important questions about the company visionary. If they say, we don’t have a visionary, then move on quickly to your next interview. No visionary talent? No leader? You don’t want this employer as your future career choice or you’ll be searching again soon. Companies flounder, lose market sh......
You are thinking of changing course: improving your current skill set, or gaining a new one. You know you need to look into career education and career schools, but you don’t know where to start, though. What can you do to find the perfect program that will allow you to meet your goals? The best place to begin your search for the right career school for you is to narrow the field by w......
As the 2009 college year comes to a close the reality is setting in that graduates are facing poor or even bad prospects for that dream job. Whether the student completed an associate degree or a business administration degree, it is likely that finding a job will be a much more difficult process in the current economy. In better times employers have offered internship or apprenticeship prog......
Days gone by when students used to study with interest to gather pure knowledge from books and his available resources. Quality of education depends on learner’s level of motivation. Better to say knowledge depth was more comprehensive than knowledge exposure making it most powerful tool for over all human development. The flavor of education should be free flowing that would direct a studen......
As the 2008 2009 high school year winds down the process of selecting a college begins in earnest. With sky rocketing tuition fees and possibly depressed college funds, parents and students will have a real challenge with the college selection process. We believe that there should be a greater emphasis on the results at graduation day. Whether the student gets an associate degree or an MBA......