Category Archives: Career & Education

According to a CNNMoney(dot)com report the number of people collecting unemployment benefits for one week or more hit a new record high at 6,271,000. That means it's taking more people longer to find a job. College grads with an Associate Degree or Business Administration Degree had better take notethe competition just got a lot harder. With companies running lean and mean” they ......
The Hubbard College of Administration (HCA) career education programs provide students with the opportunity to learn both the theory and practical applications of business administration: Starting a business or non profit Managing an existing business or non profit Resolving situations within the business that are impeding expansion Creating and running marketing and PR programs that get......
Are you out of work and having difficulties job hunting because other candidates have more classroom experience? Are you “under-employed” because you lack the necessary degree for advancement? Even if it is not necessary, employers prefer persons with the appropriate piece of paper. One remedy to these issues is considering career education. Dissimilar from conventional universit......
There was the time when people used to find it difficult to get the education in renowned school or colleges for want of fund as it was not affordable. Hence, they used to stop their study before completion of their graduation or post graduation but for ample fund. Some of them wanted to complete their study by sacrificing their valuable time in doing the part time job by loosing their sound......
Following college graduation, the goal of most new graduates is to start a career in their field of study. Others will continue on to graduate school and pursue advanced degrees before starting a career.However, college students sometimes need help launching their professional lives prior to college graduation. Almost all colleges have a career services center, which is meant to provide stud......
Changing careers after 50 is not easy but it is possible. Over 50s know they have a lifetime of transferable skills and experience that can be applied in different contexts. The challenge is to convince others that those skills and experience are just what they need. To make a successful transition it is important to realise that you are marketing a product and that product is YOU. Like a......
What are your career goals? Have you made the decision to never give up regardless of the challenges? Only YOU can take action everyday that will make a difference in your future success. Some of us get weary trying to restart our career but we have no choice if we’re to move up the ladder of success in the future. Make a wrong turn in the road and get back up to go again. Your fut......
Layoffs and cutbacks are all too common in today’s workforce, and finding new careers is harder than ever for job seekers. You need an excellent resume with relevant education and experience, as well as great networking skills. This sounds like a lot, but you can set yourself apart in several ways. This article gives some advice to help you have an advantage over your competition. Of ......
Never say, “not my job” or “not my problem”, however this does not mean you have to accept the “monkey” everytime someone asks you for guidance. Don’t say “let me do it” or “I’ll take care of it” when you can be helpful without taking over the job itself. Some of us love to let someone do our work or take on all our prob......
Sure, everybody wants to be successful and start their way up to the corporate ladder. Most people spend most of their hours in a day at work even at times to the point of bringing work at home. Weekends are spent with meeting colleagues for the upcoming events of the next week. There are certain moments too that work eats up more than the eight or nine-hour requirements. These are the worka......