Category Archives: Career & Education

With the decreased number of job opportunities, students are considering the goal of a college degreeall with the purpose of advancing their careers plus gaining a job placement advantage over others. Finding a job after graduation is still a high priority. A college offering an Associate Degree or a Management degree program with a schedule for working students could be a workable option. ......
People looking for a career path are more often actually looking for a job with which they can fulfill a large portion of their lives all the way up to retirement. One ought to choose a career that has many avenues for progression, promotion, and regular pay increases. Before making such a major decision as choosing your life’s work, you need to get solid career advice from a professio......
What do I want to do as a career? Is a question that nearly every student asks when working out their career planning. Many fall into a job only because we can earn some money. This soon gets old” and we end up unhappy and very often jump from job to job without any long term satisfaction that could have been realized with well thought out career planning. Not sure of what you want ......
According Ediger (2000), elementary school career education is important. Ediger stated that “the elementary school years are not too early to begin to achieve a vision of what one desires to do in life contributing to the world of work”. Without career education, students have unrealistic perceptions of careers due to a lack of knowledge and poor decision making. Students hav......