Category Archives: Career & Education

Is a change in your future? Lots of us began with an employer never expecting to stay very long but instead of moving to the next level, we’ve been in this place for 5 plus years. Satisfaction and fulfillment is your goal, not being in a “make do” position for an extended period! It’s a fact that your dream job is waiting on you, so don’t continue in a miserabl......
During the current economic turmoil, your business needs to have a strong loyal committed staff who are working together to keep your business healthy. These seven strategies will help you encourage a business culture that attracts and keeps the right people. 1.Career DevelopmentCareer Development is not just about offering promotion or improved salary. It is about enabling each person th......
So you’ve been working at the same job for awhile. You haven’t been promoted or transferred. You’re doing the same thing you did when you started. You haven’t gotten a raise despite several favorable reviews. Worst of all, you can tell work is getting to you. You’re more anxious somehow. Maybe you’re even developing a bit of a temper. Basically, you’......
Applying to colleges or universities is an exciting milestone for many high school graduates; yet far too often, the application process itself becomes frustrating and intimidating. Faced with a myriad of information via booklets, forms and well-meaning but often misguided parents and peers, things can become a bit overwhelming. Thankfully, the days of huddling over a typewriter with whiteo......
Transferable skills are essential if you are looking for a new job. These are the skills that you have gained from your previous job experience, which may not have been evident on the previous job descriptions. For instance, skills acquired through volunteer works and other life experience, such as sports and hobbies can be considered as transferable skills. Employers oftentimes put emphasi......
Years ago, the college experience applied only to recent high school graduates and meant spending hour after hour in a crowded lecture. Today, this is only one of the possible snapshots of a college student. The ideas in this article are perfect for students from all backgrounds and in all majors. Read on for insight and inspiration. Remember that you can always transfer. Sometimes college s......
The world of computers is fast evolving with almost every individual taking keen interest in the same due to its convenience and hands on usage. It has become extremely vital in the lives of most and is definitely a boon to people. There are numerous careers that have come up which requires complete knowledge of computers and these are careers that are in huge demand worldwide and pays extre......
Computer training is an additional qualification every person must acquire. The employment environment has become demanding over the years and since computers have replaced manpower it is of great importance that new recruitments have basic knowledge of the machine. In every corporate organization, all the operations are carried out with the help of the computer rather manually. Everything h......
The criminal justice system can be a complex system, especially if you do not have a legal background. When one charged with a crime, a defendant will be faced with many legal issues and legal jargon that can be confusing and overwhelming. For this reason, anyone who is charged with committing an illegal act should hire a criminal lawyer to make sure their rights are protected and they have ......
Are you heading off to college for the first time? Is it overwhelming you? The whole college experience is quite different from anything else. Luckily, there are some ways that you can make your time in college less stressful and more successful. Use the tips shared in this article and you can have a great college career. While you are in school to study and earn a degree, make sure you take......