Category Archives: Glossary

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and a newbie is someone who is new to something. So if you are a SEO Newbie then these basic terms are going to assist. A few years ago no one had heard of the term SEO. And now we have pages of terms that relate to it. The internet has quickly created new industries and thus spawned new words and phrases. Use this list of terms as a quick introduc......
Deciding whether to invest in solar PV can be a difficult decision for homeowners, especially when solar vocabulary is misinterpreted. In order to get a clear understanding of certain terms surrounding solar power, this glossary is provided to shine a light on the technical terms that can often bewilder. Renewable Energy: This refers to obtaining energy from naturally replenishing resources......
What is the difference between NTSC and ATSC and why is that different to DVB-T? What does DIN mean if it doesn’t mean noise and why would you need a wire loom if you’re not going to be doing any weaving? When it comes to jargon most electronic devices for the car are the equivalents of the cat lady. The device isn’t just satisfied with one technical term and it tends to c......
Ever since its debut in December 2010, TermWiki’s My Glossary has gained widespread recognition and adoption as translators, content professionals and subject matter experts use the tool to store, manage and obtain peer-to-peer review and translations of their terms. My Glossary makes it possible for everyone to own and share terms and glossaries in one integrated, community-powered platform......
Beginner traders frequently wonder or fantasize about how some people are capable to accomplish enormous profits by trading stocks just a few hours on a weekly or daily basis. So going further than the hype and the whistles and bells that a lot of the called trading leaders wish to invoke, the actual “secrets” of the stock market game are confined within the dealing set ups and m......
Now for several weeks the Stock Markets have been in a very great shape right around the globe that should be a very comfortable feeling specially for those that are still beating their injures having to deal with losses. Not only various famous newsletters are essaying to draw investors into purchasing stocks that will allege double and triple within weeks, but as well junk emails are invad......
You’ve known you’ve had a hearing loss for quite some time now and you finally get up the nerve to get your hearing tested. They tell you that you need a hearing aid and you cant help but think, Why did this have to happen to me?? Then they start telling you about hearing aids and use tons of terminology that just goes right over your head. Dont they know that you are in shock......
In the stock market it is possible to look out a stock dramatic move up in a matter of days or hours. Traders and Investors can create great money and fill out their wallets each and every time this happens. This really appears best for everyone who likes to try their luck in the stock market, but the only problem is that if you really don’t know what kind of stocks to take care and ho......
Depuis son lancement en dcembre 2010, My Glossary de TermWiki a acquis une certaine reconnaissance et a t largement adopt par les traducteurs, les professionnels du contenu et les experts de domaines particuliers qui l’utilisent en tant qu’outil de gestion et qui obtiennent des traductions et des vrifications directes de leurs termes. Grce My Glossary, chacun peut possder et par......
A big part of succeeding in the HSC is knowing how to win marks. Merely studying for your subjects and learning the theory is half the work – you also need to be a master of exams. In all HSC subjects, exam questions are always phrased using the same keywords. For example, you would have seen questions beginning with: “Describe the relationship between…”, “Outli......