Category Archives: Insurance

Disposable income and financial circumstances vary amongst people, and consequently affordability of term life insurance will also vary amongst the different people. For most people, affordable term life insurance is the most favorable type of insurance. However, the maximum duration for the term policy is only 30 years. Under the circumstances where one needs a life insurance longer than ......
The advent of the internet has made is easy to shop, compare and obtain life insurance quotes online. With just a few clicks of your computer mouse, you can access several hundreds of life insurance websites and research for the best insurance quote that suits your needs. It is very important that you educate yourself with the key aspects of life insurance companies and the policies they off......
You may be wondering What is a term life insurance policy?” Is it right for me?” Well, these are very important questions if you are considering taking a life insurance policy, and you will get these questions answered here. Although there are different types of life insurance policies, basically all life insurance policies are either term insurance or while life insurance, or a ......
Uninsured drivers are ten times more likely to drink and drive and three times more likely to be convicted of driving without due care and attention. They also cause one accident every six months. In fact one in twenty motorists regularly drive without insurance. It’s therefore not perhaps surprising that, one in ten of all motorists have been involved in accidents with uninsured drive......
At last you can buy life insurance and get tax relief. The breakthrough results from changes in the Gordon Browns’ latest Budget speech but the tax relief is only available on a new special sort of life insurance policy. You can’t get tax relief on your existing life insurance policies. These new policies exploit a loophole in the new Finance Bill and should result in savings of ......
According to a recent survey almost a quarter of UK citizens are over weight but, says Cancer research UK, 25% of these are simply not interested in losing weight. We are in fact the second most obese nation in Europe, second only to Greece. This not only concerns the UK Government, who have just announced a concerted campaign to tackle the problem via GP’s, but also the life insurance......
Approximately 70% of all adults have one form of life insurance or another. Normally, a person in their 20s or 30s purchases a life insurance policy for a monthly premium that provides a death benefit should the policy holder die prematurely. Assuming that the person is insurable, most insurance companies are able to offer relatively cheap life insurance premiums. Peoples’ needs change......
If you want to make your family financially secured after your death, the only answer is, own a life insurance policy. Moreover these life insurance policies help to keep alive the plans you made for your family and the career of your children even after your death. So now you could see the priority of life insurance policy in one’s life. Now with the availability of so many life insur......
The concept of term life insurance is very easy to understand. Term life insurance remains effective for a limited, predetermined time span. A term life insurance holder pays regular premium during the term of his life insurance policy. If the insurance holder dies during the term, death benefits directly go to the beneficiary. Most of the life insurance policies offer variety of options but......
For most of us, insurance coverage represents a love-hate relationship. We hate paying for the premiums, but love having the right kind of coverage when it is needed. We realize that is important to have insurance coverage, but just the thought of contacting different insurance agents, or researching different insurance plans, can not only be a scary experience, but incredibly overwhelming. ......