Category Archives: Insurance

Life insurance, specifically Term Life, is arguably one of the best values in the entire financial services arena. Where else can you go and get hundreds of thousands of pounds in protection for literally pennies per day? Rates for Term Life insurance remain at all-time lows, and now is the time to lock in the best prices. Here are some ways to help you save money when purchasing life insura......
In the insurance parlance, Annuitant is defined as a person who benefits from a pension or annuity. It can also be said to be a contract with an insurance company which is designed to give payments to the holder of the policy at specified intervals. The insurance payments are usually made after retirement. There are two types of annuities – fixed annuity and variable annuity. A fixed a......
Do you have enough renters insurance protection for your needs? If you think your landlord carries enough to cover your valuables you may want to think again. If you are renting a home or an apartment it is wise to purchase renters insurance. Some renters mistakenly believe that the property, home or apartment owner has enough insurance to cover their belongings in the event of damage or rob......
Getting yourself life insurance brings in many advantages. However, some of us are confused because of the myths and misconceptions surrounding the life insurance coverage and not understanding what life insurance is all about. Let us see what are these myths and misconceptions that are holding you back from getting life insurance. If I am staying at home and not working there is no need for......
Getting a quote for auto insurance online is easy… but finding cheap insurance can be more of a challenge. It takes diligence and knowledge. Here are a few tips to help you find the cheapest auto insurance available. Safety FeaturesMake sure your vehicle is well built and “safety” feature rich. You should get cheaper premiums for adding anti-theft devices, car alarms or a ......
After so many experts have warned us that the cost of car insurance is on the rise, what’s happened? It’s fallen! It’s mostly down to the growing impact of shopping online. In the second half of 2005 the average car insurance premium fell from 470.17 to 462.15. But it’s the silver surfers who’ve benefited most. During the last six months of last year, drivers ov......
Often it is hard to find low cost dental insurance. Yet, each one of us should have a dentist to visit for repairs, infections and for problems that may arise. Of course, standard cleanings are a very important part of your teeth’s life and longevity. For these reasons, you should spend some time to find the dental insurance that is appropriate for your needs. In the long run, you ......
Getting medical treatment in Europe has been easy enough for a number of years now, by way of the E111 form. You may not have heard of the form which was available through the post office, but that’s a moot point now as it has been replaced by the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). The card will fit easily into the wallet and is a European-wide recognisable way of accessing medica......
Most companies will claim that they’re the one with the cheapest UK life insurance rates. While this claim may or may not be true, one thing is certain. Selling life insurance is extremely competitive. Thousands of companies and independent sales agents are working hard to attract your attention. When there is so much competition, it usually means that smart buyers benefit most. How ca......
Once you start looking, you’ll notice plenty of advertisements for cheap term life insurance. Online and off, life insurance is big business and it’s also very competitive. If cheap term life insurance is something you’re after, keep the following in mind. Cheap term life insurance may not be the good deal you think it is if the agency is not around to pay out your benefits......