Category Archives: Loans

With the price of gas going sky high, and all of the ads that you see on the news about how easy it is to get one of these loans it isn’t any wonder that people can easily get into trouble financially. People get burned out, each parent is working, usually more than forty hours a week, they are taking care of the kids, the pets, often the chores. They see the commercials on televisions......
You may have heard about No Cost Refinance or Free Refinance. The concept implies that the only thing charged on this kind of loans is interest. Those who promote this, claim that there are no closing costs, no additional fees, etc. The financial industry has become increasingly competitive over the past years and lenders are desperate to attract customers, thus forcing their creative media......
The question of payday loans affecting the credit position and affecting the credit report and vice versa often arises in the minds of persons contemplating taking payday loans. It may be noted in this regard that neither will payday loan taking be affected by credit position nor will the borrowing of such loans affect the credit rating in all normal cases at present. However, there may be s......
When an individual borrows money using the equity in their home as collateral, the transaction is known as a home equity loan. Many wonder about the differences between home equity loans and home equity lines of credit. Although both use the home’s equity as collateral for the loan, the difference is that a home equity line of credit is an open end loan that is similar to a credit card......
So you don’t have enough financial strength but would still like to own your own home? There’s no need to worry. The government provides loan schemes that do not require you to produce too many documents and do not question your monetary background too much. These are called FHA loans. But before we go into details and how you can avail of this plan, let’s ask first: What a......
Now more than ever, it is easier to find equity loans as lenders and brokers team up to sell more equity loans, credit lines and mortgage loans. Home equity loans are a good alternative way to pay off the high interest rates on credit cards, home building material as well as school fees. Credit lines are more geared towards getting cash extended for up to ten years, similar to a credit card.......
It’s the end of the month, you’re almost out of money (sounds familiar?) and suddenly your car stops driving. But you need a car to get to your work. But the problem is that you might not have enough money available in such a short time to buy a new car. So there is only one way out for you to pay a new car: a money loan. But how do you know which money loan is suitable for you. ......
Payday loans are usually loans that are obtained for a short period of time and are usually for a small amount of money. They are gotten based on the fact that the person has another paycheck coming. The person can get the loan by showing identification and paycheck stubs to the company giving them the loan. Do remember though that if you are trying to get ahead financially this is not the w......
When it comes to home equity loans, there are mainly two different options: A second mortgage loan or a home equity line of credit. The following article will explore the reasons why a second mortgage is a much better choice than a home equity line of credit in most occasions and especially given the current market conditions. Second Mortgage Vs. Home Equity Lines of Credit A second mortgag......
Everyone knows how quickly monthly credit payments can add up. Between credit cards, auto loans and medical bills, it can be very overwhelming. Add high interest rates to the equation and it can be virtually impossible to get out from under the burden of all that debt. It truly is a vicious cycle a cycle that enriches the profits of many creditors. Take, for instance, a credit card with a 5......