Category Archives: Retirement

It’s no secret that the average American is not saving enough for his or her retirement. The sad truth is that most Americans have no savings at all – the average family is $10,000 in net debt! For years, men and women could depend on company pensions for their retirement. If that failed, there was always Social Security to bail them out. But with pensions going the way of the d......
Planning retirement is best done many years before you actually retire. Preferably, fifteen to twenty years before retirement. This will give you the foresight required to be able to live comfortably when you do actually retire. Many people don’t often realize all of the little things that will affect them financially in their future, not the least of which is what kind of lifestyle th......
With more and more people paying attention to their physical fitness, and with vast improvements in health care and technology, retirement is increasingly becoming a time of your life to look forward to, a time when you have fewer obligations and more opportunity to do the things you’ve always dreamed of doing. How you end up spending your retirement depends in large part on where you ......
Most of us have a lot on our minds. Kids, college, bills, cars, medical expenses, job related stress, retirement, and on the rare occasion we have time: hobbies. But what if there was a simpler way to manage at least one of the daily stresses mentioned above? Imagine a retirement fund that you could design to identify what year you wanted to stop working and invested your money to reflect ......
There are many retirement communities available everywhere in the country. There are retirement communities who may offer the world to you, and those who would provide you with the best comfort you need. But how do you choose which retirement community you want to spend your the rest of your life in? What is the basis in finding the suitable communities in your neighborhood? In considering......
For many, the thought of retirement conjures up visions of lazy days on the beach and evenings at the shuffleboard court, but there are a few that feel retirement is the end of usefulness and productivity. Like anything in life your retirement happiness depends greatly on the way you view it and there are many things you can do to feel connected and useful well into your golden years. A suc......
What’s your age now? In some point in your life, have you ever thought of retiring from what you are doing right now? Is the idea of retirement ever occurs to you? Or, are you open to the truth that everything has an end? Well, if you’ve spent your most silent moment pondering about all these things, then you are somehow ready for a retirement. So if you are on your 30s and the t......
As we age, we start to think about all the things we still want to do, and where we want to spend the latter years of our lives. Many people like to remain in the homes where they raised their families, while others want something different. Keeping up with a house is sometimes a burden that older people don’t want to worry about. Instead, they want somewhere to live where they can ......
Retirement planning is a tricky process, and one that requires careful planning and patience. But even if you have a retirement plan and a clear set of visions and goals, not just financially, but for your lifestyle, it’s important that you be aware of several common missteps that many, even those with a plan, fall victim to. 1 – Underestimating the Costs of Healthcare As health......
As the first wave of the Baby Boomer generation begins to enter retirement this year, the focus on a comprehensive retirement plan has never been more prevalent. And as 2005 saw no reform in the current Social Security administration, personal savings are even more important. Most financial professionals agree that a comprehensive retirement plan should include some sort of employer sponso......