Category Archives: Retirement

There has always been a need for retirement planning and today is certainly no different. There are 401(k)s and many other types of retirement plans that are available to you. You will need to take the time needed to evaluate what your current financial needs are and what you expect the future to hold. Recent events, such as the rise in energy costs and the ever-skyrocketing health care co......
For a lot of people, the idea of retirement and depending on pension checks is not quite a happy vision. Although they may always have had dreams of retirement that is unstressed and with some luxuries thrown in such as traveling here and there, the harsh reality that pensions will likely give them just the most basic living conditions, with none of the hoped for luxuries” still remain......
Research has validated the top 15 factors needed in our lives to create a successful retirement. Each of us will find some if not all of these factors will need our attention before we can transition into a phase of life that fulfills those long awaited expectations and desires. I have identified over my many years of work as an HR professional, and now as a retirement coach, there is one AL......
One of the rules of life is that, sooner or later, everyone has to stop working and retire. For some, this is a golden opportunity to enjoy life and do things they never got the chance to do while they were busy with working and raising a family. For others, however, retirement can be a very scary prospect, with no money coming in and yet some of the biggest expenses still needing to be take......
So, you want to save for retirement, but you’re having enough trouble paying your bills every month? Now what? How can you possibly find enough money to save for the future when the present is difficult enough? If this sounds familiar, then here are a few suggestions to help making saving money easier. Not necessarily easy when money is tight, saving is probably not going to be easy. ......