Category Archives: Retirement

As an investment planner, I have one simple rule about human condition. By the time someone asks me about retirement benefits, they are usually starting about 10 years too late. Retirement planning, you see, is a long and tricky process. If I had my way, everyone would start planning for retirement as soon as they entered the workforce. This might seem pretty conservative to you, but it has ......
Many of us are still living in the past when it comes to planning for retirement. Sure, we know that unlike previous generations we can’t rely on generous Social Security benefits or fat corporate pensions. And we know that we can’t count on double-digit market returns to make up the difference. We are more concerned about creating wealth rather than ways to preserve it. Before, ......
Whether retirement is right around the corner, or several years down the road, it’s never too early, or too late, to start planning for your future. Some people feel intimidated by matters of finance, while others simply don’t feel comfortable with their knowledge regarding retirement planning. Make it a priority to learn as much as you can about your finances by reviewing the fo......
Offering tips for retirement planning can open up a touchy subject. While some couples have been preparing for retirement their entire adult lives, others have barely thought about it. Neither end of this preparation spectrum is unusual, but it is clear that the former mind set will leave you feeling much more comfortable with your future. When it comes to planning retirement, a few tips mig......
When planning your retirement years, you probably spend a lot of time on financial considerations. It is good that you should do this, however, you should also put some planning into the type of life you want to live after you retire. When you retire, you will still be young enough to be able to live the life of your dreams; travel, learn a new sport or hobby, build a new home. The great thi......
Now that you have decided to think about retiring, the next step is to get help from retirement planning services. There is a variety of sources for information about retiring, so it pays to take some time and research a few of your choices first. The most obvious place to look for retirement planning services is to ask your friends and colleagues if they can recommend anyone. If someone is ......
Surely, you have heard the term Yuppie or WASP used for people of a certain part of our culture. Well, I have a new one for you that applies to millions upon millions of us, especially those that would like to partake of early retirement. If you think that you are going to be ready to retire at any point in the future, then you best understand that you are a Y.O.Y.O. That’s right, a YOYO.......
Early retirement means different things to different people. In fact, the word �retirement may even have differing meanings depending on your age. Prior to the 1930’s, there really was no such thing as �retirement’. Work was just a normal part of the day and people worked and worked and then, later in their years, would simply reduce the amount or strenuousness of their work as it become ......
Tear up your newspapers & turn off your TV! To listen to the TV, radio, and press these days, one would think that we are on the brink of severe financial hardship. It gets real discouraging, if you participate. I am convinced that this will become a self fulfilling prophesy if they continue to give in to these fears. This certainly can be depressing for those on a fixed income f they......
Thinking about retirement planning you have a choice of options or plans from which you can choose, one of those is the Individual Retirement Arrangement plan (IRA). What is IRA An Individual Retirement Arrangement plan, I will be saying IRA plan from now on, which allows people to save money for their retirement and also delay paying taxes on the income that goes in to the plan. All savings......