Category Archives: Retirement

If you are one of the many who were born between 1946 and 1964, and have been deemed “baby boomers” than you might be finding that there is clear difference between the retirement that you are looking towards and the retirement that your parents had. For many reasons, retirement is not the same anymore. Face it, it’s far more expensive to live in the world today than it was......
Irrespective of the age at which you are at or your ability to earn, early retirement planning is always highly advisable. We tend to get used to a typical life style that is likely to become unsustainable after retirement if we do not make adequate plans for the upkeep of the lifestyle. The basic motto to remember for retirement planning is that earlier we start the better it is for us. It ......
Retirement finance planning is one of the most important activities you will ever engage in. Quite simply, if you don’t know where the money is coming from once you’ve finished working, you won’t have a very enjoyable later life. Various occupations have different retirement ages. There might be several reasons behind a person’s retirement. Retirement surely brings si......
Whether you are 21 or 71, retirement planning is something you want to get started on right now.This article will take you less than three minutes to read and it could save you a lot of financial pain in years to come. So. regardless of age it’s never too early and never too late to start busting those retirement planning myths! Six Retirement Planning Myths Myth #1. When I retire I wo......
When you first consider planning retirement strategy, you probably think of buying new golf clubs, or maybe listing all the places you want to travel to. While these are a good start, you need to consider how you will spend your time when you aren’t heading out the door to work every morning. Retirement can be the most active part of your life. You have the time to travel, or pursue ho......
A basic retirement calculator is a program that you can find for free on the Internet. This calculator will take your current retirement savings information, let you factor in things that will affect the final number and then tell you how much more you will need to save to be able to retire at the level that you want to retire at. Many people have difficulties understanding what a basic reti......
It is what many of us have planned for throughout our working, adult years. We envision it to be a time of relaxation and reflection, a time for us to attempt things we’ve always wanted but didn’t have the chance to at earlier points in our lives. We hope that by now that our children are independent and no longer need us to support them. Retirement is a time when we can pay more......
As a new business owner, naturally you’ll want to make the most informed, cost-effective decisions. One of the most crucial decisions is how to process payroll and tax information. You’ll have to factor in local and federal tax regulations, retirement planning and quarterly financial reporting. These responsibilities can seem overwhelming without the right assistance. Here you&......
CIBC estimates that approximately $1.2 trillion in Canadian business assets alone will change hands by 2010 as more baby boomers anticipate retirement. Imagine what that means for American businesses! Business owners not only have to worry about their own retirement planning, but will also need an exit strategy and a long-term plan for their employees. The same study found that 60% of small......
The 401k retirement plan has taken the corporate world by storm since 1979, primarily because of it’s affordability to employers. While pensions often sucked companies dry, 401k providers charge a small monthly administration fee (usually around $100) and this will give employers and employees many different investment options. After signing a contract, you allow a percentage of your ......