Category Archives: Retirement

If you’re coming up to retirement age and worry about maintaining meaning in your life once you exit the work force then don’t. There are several great options to consider as part of your retirement planning. Today, people are living longer thanks to modern medicine and advances in nutritional research and while this is great in a sense, it means making your retirement planning c......
Many people anticipate boredom, misery and uselessness in retirement. In fact, many people are living this kind of retirement right now. These fears often weigh people down and actually stand in the way of enjoying a fulfilling and happy retirement. But you don’t have to be one of the people dreading retirement. You can take charge of your life right now and start moving toward the exc......
Is it really worth it to buy retirement planning software? Many people want to know the answer to this question. In today’s day and age many people are not reaching their retirement goals, simply from a lack of planning, especially at a younger age. By simply starting to invest your money a young age, you can achieve great wealth upon retirement. Retirement planning software will help ......
Retirement is just around the corner. You’ve worked your whole life and find immense satisfaction in the work that you do. While you’re looking forward to more time for following your pursuits, the idea of being job-less scares you. Perhaps you’ll find an enjoyable side-job… or maybe you’ll decide to start a small business! First, you’ll need to ask yours......
When you are young, you rarely think about what you are going to do when you are too old to work. How are you going to afford your bills and other expenses with no income, or many people expect benefits like social security to be around. However, this may not be the case and so having a good solid retirement plan and getting started with that retirement plan early means you will be able to ......
When it comes to preparing for your retirement, most people do not know where to begin, and so they put it off. Once they realize that retirement is on the horizon, they panic and commence looking for retirement planning tools that will make a plan for them. It is never too early, or too late, to start planning for your retirement, but the sooner you start, the less stress you will have. A f......
Whatever type of retirement fund you have, be it 401k 403b, Roth IRA or plain old IRA, you want to spread your risk. Stocks go up and go down. Treasuries and government backed bonds are very safe, but they also go up and down in value, although you will always get a reasonable return. You can lose your shirt in futures and commodities. Gold is attractive, too. So what should you do? Most peo......
Think about it. Can you remember when you first really thought about the subject of Retirement”? Chances are, it was when you were in your 20s and the subject of retirement was so far in the future that you hardly gave it much thought. It was really difficult to think about something forty or more years into the future when there are so many pressures of the moment. Your mindset was pr......
As I was scanning the Sunday newspaper recently (August 19, 2007), a well respected advice column called “Ask Jill” (Jill McGillen) caught my eye. The column was entitled “Working After Retirement”. A questioner named “N” wrote: “Dear Jill. I am nearing retirement age and can’t quit (working) because I haven’t saved enough money. Howe......
Can you imagine being retired with nothing to do? Would it not be one of the cruellest punishments you could imagine? Does sitting in front of the TV, day in and day out, sound like a fulfilling way to live? Malcolm S. Forbes said “Retirement kills more people than hard work ever did”. Fortunately we have time to plan our retirement. Think about the question “What are you g......