Category Archives: Retirement

I can’t tell you how often I hear people who are contemplating retirement say, “but I don’t know how to do anything except my job.” Baloney! You have skills and you have talents. You might have buried them in the back yard, but they are still there. What is more, if you held a job or ran a household — YOU HAVE SKILLS AND TALENTS. Some people seem to think that t......
When can you say that you can retire? After operational hard for many years, if you have saved a great amount of money and cleared all your taxes other bills, and mortgages paid, you are prepared to formulate your strategy for early retirement and Health insurance. Planning your everyday expenditure in advance is a very tedious job. But the resources and details of companies that help you w......
When it comes to planning your retirement and securing your future, the wisest choice is to consult a professional retirement planning services company. Many men and women who decide to plan their golden years without professional consulting advice end up regretting not having been thoroughly educated on the many aspects that retirement living entails. Do not be one of these people. Your gol......
Many consider retirement is almost the end of their lives. They cannot go to work and that is why they are useless. However this is simply not true. You have worked at least thirty years and now is the time to enjoy your life and do all the things that were left behind before. After retirement there will be plenty of time for fishing, gardening, traveling, or whatever you want to do. To make......
You’ve heard most of them before. They seem like well-meaning retirement advice. But, BEWARE. The following illusions, delusions and downright lies about retirement can be dangerous to your retirement well-being: 1. If you have enough money, your retirement will take care of itself. WRONG. WRONG. WRONG. This is the biggest and most dangerous lie about retirement. Of course, money ......
A retirement calculator is one of the most useful things you can use when planning your retirement savings. You see most people plan for retirement without any idea of how much they need to save, or how much they want in retirement. A retirement calculator provides the answers. A retirement calculator shows you how much to need to save to get the income you need when you retire. Or it may be......
Getting focused, organized and structured in a New Year is something we approach with great intentionality when we are working. We set our goals and make plans to achieve our goals. After retirement, however, many people drop the planning and goal setting at the beginning of a new year. The result is that they find themselves slouching into the year and wandering somewhat aimlessly from one ......
Are you concerned about how your life will be when you retire? Whether you have long established plans or you’re just getting started to be serious about retirement, here are seven questions you should answer for yourself. 1. When Do I Plan To Retire? 2. How Much Have I Saved Toward Retirement (401(K), Roth IRA, Passbook, Etc.)? 3. Is My Retirement Income Projected To Be Greate......
Retirement is one of the most significant changes that any of us will ever experience. Everyone approaches retirement differently and with a mix of emotions, some of us cant wait and others of us will be worried or even fearful. Planning for retirement courses are more important today than they have ever been. We are much healthier, much more active and can expect to live much longer a w......
A growing number of developments are springing up across the UK for seniors who aren’t quite ready to settle into a hum-drum routine. These active retirement communities are changing the face of retirement living. Today, people over 55 or 60 have plenty of options, often in their own back yard, when it comes to finding a retirement flat. Pride of OwnershipRather than explaining that y......