Category Archives: Saving & Spending

The best way to save money starts at home. We might have been taking this for granted but starting saving from home really of great help for you to be able to slash even a little from your total expenses and put it in your savings. This household money saving tips gives you ideas on how to save even out of your smallest home needs spending. In usual home scenario, most of us worry when the......
Consumers are evermore keeping their finances in shape as they look to spending cash in the future, according to the results of a new study. In research released today by Abbey, an estimated 14 million “super saving” Britons are putting cash away for a rainy day. And although such people are doing so in order to make one expensive, large purchase later on in life, this preparatio......
This is just a small example of impulse spending. It can get way out of hand with much larger purchases. Answer these questions truthfully: 1.)Does your spouse or partner complain that you spend too much money? 2.)Are you surprised each month when your credit card bill arrives at how much more you charged than you thought you had? 3.)Do you have more shoes and clothes in your closet than you......
Full-Priced Grocery Items Clipping coupons can lower your grocery bill and save you a lot of money on a yearly basis. When making calls it might seem like a lot of work, but if you’re like me and don’t make phone calls that last more than 2-3 minutes, the 1200 minutes will last you a while and you’ll save a TON of money now that you’re off your postpaid plan. Another ......
Most people can appreciate the importance of having a good financial plan to build a healthy nest egg for retirement. It’s taking action towards making it a reality which is all too often the difficult part. Implementing a savings plan when you trying to make ends meet with mortgage payments, children’s expenses, household bills and the many other things that have a stake in you......
There are many ways to increase gas mileage while driving your vehicle. Gas prices increase or fluctuate on a daily basis and in some parts of the world many people are spending more than twice the amount for petrol. You may have considered buying a hybrid but they still are rather expensive compared to other vehicles. When you keep up on the maintenance of your vehicle you should maintai......
You might think that savings accounts don’t really help save much, even though their name suggests so. However, this is misleading. While they may not compare to other high yield options like mutual funds or stocks and shares, they can provide a safe, effective and risk free way of growing your money fast. Here are the top 10 tips to making high interest savings accounts work for you! ......
Well, it really isn’t surprising that Christmas 2007 saw consumer spending down. The Commerce Department has released the consumer spending figures which show that spending was at its lowest ebb since June 2007 and that we spent 0.4% less at Christmas time this year as compared to last year. Of course, this is a small drop in percentage. However, consumer spending accounts for approxim......
College fun cost money. Unfortunately for many, they miss out on the ‘fun’ because they have a tight college budget. There are simple steps students can take to avoid college debt while having a good time at school. If you follow a simple student budget, you will have more money available to afford the activities that make college an experience you’ll always remember. Wh......
Pretty soon holiday shoppers will be setting the alarms to hit the department stores at 5am. The predictions for this year’s holiday spending are already underway as retailers and consumers gear up for a holiday shopping bonanza. You may wonder, “Why bother with holiday shopping predictions? What does it all mean anyway?” Well, knowing the expected holiday shopping dent mea......