Category Archives: Saving & Spending

He popped the question the engagement party is over that means there is one more task at hand. Oh that’s right plan a wedding! When it comes to planning a wedding the couple has to be realistic, you have to plan a wedding within your financial range because lets be honest most newlywed couples no longer have the luxury of their parents paying for their wedding. In most cases the couple......
This particular post will be directed at informing you of the most significant grounds most of the people have trouble saving money. Comprehending this particular 1 aspect is going to provide you with the strength to crack away from all marketing and advertising influences. As soon as you might have command over your spending practices and then you will own the power to follow by way of on ......
Prices for a lot of things just seem to be going up. Meanwhile, our household budgets are not expanding at all. In fact, they may be decreasing for many people! As consumers, we need to adjust to this reality. It is important to cut back today so we can be financially secure tomorrow. I checked into a lot of savings opportunities, and really found about 10 ways to save money that I had not t......
We can come up with dozens and dozens of reasons to save money. However, there are three major reasons that we should be saving. We need to save for emergencies, for major purchases (home, car, or other large-ticket item), and for retirement. Saving does not have to equate with total sacrifice. Some of us think that saving for later means that we cannot enjoy things now. We do not have to gi......
Are you in the process of saving a relationship? Do you know how you can do this without further damaging the already fragile state that the relationship is in? When people are in the process of saving a relationship, they may say the wrong things that make the situation worse and any plan they have to save it backfire. How do you know what to say that will stop things from getting worse? He......
Planning ahead to save money is the best beginning to a more secure financial future. How that looks in reality can be pretty confusing. Take the time to think about where you can cut costs and where would be the best place for that extra money. You would be surprised at how easy a few dollars here and there can add up to major savings. Do you make your own lunches and bring them to work? Do......
Gas prices are finally starting to come down. But gas is still relatively expensive. I remember when gas was selling for well under a dollar back in the 1990s. Here are a couple of simple tips on how to save money at the pump. First, know when to fill up. According to Marshall Brain, founder of HowStuffWorks, a consumer guide, you need to time your fill-up. Most gas stations change their pri......
Copyright 2007 Ed Bagley Like a 4-year-old child at the checkout counter in a supermarket, American consumers want just one more impulse buy to make their buying day complete, and apparently the more expensive it is, the better. Here is an example: A 68-year-old, semi-retired businessman shells out $600,000 for a recreational vehicle which costs about $550 to top off at the pump. He and his......
Personal shopper service. Save time & money buy on trade prices You don’t always have the time or resources to search for the best prices. What if someone could do it for you, whilst saving you time & money and at no cost to you? What if you had nothing to lose and there was no obligation? Sourceng can source any product of any type, in small or large quantities. Savi......
Are you getting past due notices on bills you thought you paid? Did you try to take money out of your bank account and you found out it’s overdrawn? Or, did you try to pay for your groceries and found out that your check was rejected and you can’t pay for your groceries for your family? Or maybe, you went to your favorite retail store to purchase an item you thought you could not......