How To Save Money On Auto Insurance?

How to save money on auto insurance?

Shop around for auto insurance and the price can vary buy a few hundred dollars, depending on the feature of the insurance and the company you buy from. Below are a few ways to save money.

Shop around and compare prices

Prices differ among insurance companies, shop around! Get at a minimum of three quotes. Sites like Insurance For Everything make it easy to get quotes! You can easily access information on the internet or call the companies, which is more time consuming. State insurance departments may also provide price comparisons of by major insurance companies.

zGet quotes from different types of insurance companies.

Some insurance companies sell through their own agents which have the same name as the insurance company. Others sell through independent agents, who offer policies from several insurance companies, while, others sell directly to consumers over the phone or via the Internet.

Don’t just consider price!

You want a reputable company that answers your questions and handles claims fairly, efficiently and quickly. Ask coworkers, friends and relatives for recommendations. Getting real life feedback from current customers is a great to gage an insurance company performance. Also, select an agent or company that will take the time to answer your questions.

Compare insurance costs before you buy a car

Check insurance costs, before you buy a new or used car. Most people don’t consider cost to operate a vehicle includes the cost of the insurance. Insurance cost premium includes the car’s price, repair costs, its safety record and the likelihood of theft. Most insurers offer discounts for features that reduce the risk of injuries or theft, which include air bags, anti-lock brakes, daytime running lights and anti-theft devices. Some states require insurance companies to give discounts for cars equipped with air bags or anti-lock brakes.

Cars that are favored by thieves cost more to insure!

Ask for higher deductibles

Deductibles are the monies paid upfront before an insurance policy kicks in. You can lower your costs substantially, by requesting higher deductibles. For example, you can increase deductible from $200 to $500, will reduce your collision and comprehensive coverage cost by 15 percent to 30 percent. Further more; increasing your deductible to $1,000 may save you 40 percent or more.

Other items to consider include but are not limited to:

Reducing coverage on older cars by dropping collision and/or comprehensive coverages, buying your homeowners and auto coverage from the same insurer, Take advantage of low-mileage discounts, seeking out group insurance, maintaining good credit, seeking out safe driver discounts, etc.
When you comparison shop, inquire about discounts* for:

* $500 deductible
* $1,000 deductible
* More than 1 car
* No accidents in 3 years
* No moving violations in 3 years
* Drivers over 50-55 years of age
* Driver training course
* Defensive driving course
* Anti-theft device
* Low annual mileage
* Air bag
* Anti-lock brakes
* Daytime running lights
* Student drivers with good grades
* Auto and homeowner’s coverage with the same company
* College students away from home
* Long-time customer
* Other discounts

Please, don’t forget that the key to savings is not the discounts but the final price. An insurance company that offers few discounts may still have a lower overall price.

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