Maric College � Vista Is Part Of Career Focused Educational Network


Campus of the college is located throughout California ; the campus aims at taking health related career based education to the doorsteps of the students.

Educational Approach

With the concept that education should provide services supportive for the students’ efforts to succeed academically, vocationally, and personally, the instructional methods used aims at ensuring improving analytical and critical thinking abilities of the students so that they won’t fail to grab the career opportunities that come their way.

Brief History

With purchase of three Maric Colleges by Educational Medical, Inc in 1987, the process of excellence started in Southern California . Kaplan, a division of Washington Post purchased Quest Education Corporation in 2000, and changed its name to Kaplan Higher Education Corporation in 2002.

Programs Offered

With the objective of providing quality career education the college offers hands-on career education in Arts and Design, Healthcare, Business, and Legal fields. The college specializes in Business Management and Marketing.

Most Popular Programs

Most popular programs in Maric College � Vista are Clinical and Medical Laboratory Technician, Medical and Clinical Assistant, Licensed Practical or Vocational Nurse training, Allied Health and Medical Assisting Services, and Medical Insurance Coding Specialist or Coder.

Unique Feature

Unique feature of the college is that instructors bring the industry expertise directly to the classroom. Both day and evening classes are available providing flexibilities in learning process and adjustment of time. Unique study options and disability services are the highlights of the college.


Open admission policy has been adopted by the college. Dual credit is the only admission credit accepted by it. Transfer students are not ignored. However SAT and ACT scores are very important for admission.

Student Services

Maric College-Vista offers student services such as remedial services, academic and career counseling, PT cost defraying employment, career placement, and on campus library facilities for the students.

Financial Aids

Maric College � Vista offers financial aids in form of federal, state, local, and institutional grants, scholarships, and student loans are offered by the college. Details of financial aids provided can be viewed on the state university website.

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